QR Codes and Labels

 Whenever you start a new ferment or use a storage vessel for the first time, Cellar Chimp automatically creates a unique QR code for you. When you print that code using your label printer, it prints out with a brief written description as well. Your QR label becomes your automated gateway to all your information just by pointing your mobile device’s camera at it.

If it’s a ferment, The Chimp will open all of your records about that ferment on your device and allow you to easily record new data like sugars and temperature.

If it’s wine in a barrel or storage tank, The Chimp will tell you exactly what is in the barrel down to what ferment and vineyard your wine came from as well as all the additions that have been made to date.

If it is a vessel, The Chimp keeps track of everything about that vessel’s history including everything that’s ever been it.

To create unique codes, your printer needs to connect to your network.

Point your phone camera at these images to see what we mean.

CellarChimp Ferment Label
qr-code (1).png
CellarChimp Vessel Label